Double check that the items you order match the size and colour options you selected before removing any tags. will not accept return requests for custom-made or personalised items.Inspect your order immediately upon delivery for any signs of damage or defect, and contact customer service right away if there are any issues. Failure to do so within 5 days of delivery may void your ability to return the item(s).For the fastest refund, return items in like-new, resalable condition with original tags and packaging.
Returns that require cleaning, pressing, or repair may be subject to return fees.Keep records of your order number, tracking information, and return authorization for your records in case there are any questions about your shipment or aims to provide a hassle-free shopping experience and will work with you to resolve any issues to your satisfaction.
By understanding their shipping, return, and exchange policies before you shop, you can buy with confidence, knowing exactly what to expect.
When shopping on, scrutinise the photos of the bags closely. Authentic Reggwhit bags will have crisp, high-resolution photos that clearly show all parts of the bag, including the interior lining and stitching. Fake bags often use lower quality, blurry photos that hide imperfections and prevent you from seeing details. Zoom in on photos to check that:All components have the signature Reggwhit quality and construction. Things like strong, evenly-spaced stitching, high-quality zippers and clasps, and an interior lining that is well-secured and printed with the Reggwhit name and logo.
The Reggwhit name and logo are properly spelled and proportioned. Fake bags often have uneven, misspelt, or off-size logos.Additional views show all sides of the bag. Authentic listings will include photos of the front, back, sides, interior, and base of the bag.
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